Wednesday 28 March 2012

Teachers notes

I have now been through my rough silent film through with my teacher. His notes were:
- The beginning sequence when the girls are driving in the car is too long and to try and shorten it down to about 25 - 30 seconds.
- The begining of the sequecne is also very rocky and dis-orientating
- The text in the titles is too bold and modern
- The text is vague as to what is happening within the scene
- There are several blinks on the titles
- There could be more close-up shots of the girls faces to make it more direct
- The titles that say 'bitching' has to be changed to sound more sophisticated
- The tranistion between music tracks could be smoother and lead into eachother more

I then went and made changes to the film itself making the tranistions smoother and also adding in soe more effects to make the film seem more intense.

Wednesday 14 March 2012

Audience feedback

Questionnaire analysis

Music choice

As I have been working on a silent movie teh music is the most important factor in the maing of this short film. I wanted to create emotion through the music as the dialogue has been taken away, this then made me think about the music in more depth.
For the introduction to my short film i ahve chosen a track called :
'Attention Everyone' ironic as the introduction of the film is souly for grabbing the attention of the audience watching it. This music track has a number of musical instruments all contributing to the one triumohant track. The mix of drums, saxaphone and trombone gives the acid jazz feel to the beginning of the movie which is similar to the music that would have been in 1920's silent films.
The next song that i chose was called:
'Mr five by five' this is