Monday 11 July 2011

Different types of bullying

Bullying comes in 5 different ways:

Verbal bullying is when someone is called names, threatened or made to feel bad.

Physical bullying is when someone is hit, punched, pushed or have their personal items stolen and any other kind of physical aggressive contact. When someone has some physical signs of bullying like cuts, bruises, torn clothes or personal belongings missing they just put it down to over active play or childish games. Many times this isn't the cause and people who are bullied will not tell an adult or someone they trust as they believe it will make the bullies mad and make the bullying a lot worse. 

Social bullying is when someone is left out of games, deliberately ignored and has bad things spread about them and made to feel like an outsider.

Psychological / Mental 
Psychological bullying is when someone is stalked or intimidated

With the technology age a new type of bullying was born; Cyber bullying. 
This type of bullying can be chat rooms, online, instant messaging, on a mobile phone or even e-mails.

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