Bella Thabawl -
Looks - Very pretty short brown curly hair
Age - 24
Aspiration - Marry a rich man and have children bt before that become a professional dancer
Relationship status - Divorcee
Personality - Snobby woman, flirtatious with other woman's men, very smart woman likes Adam Phooled
Phil R.Upp -
Looks - Handsome, mustache, short brown hair
Age - 34
Aspiration - Professional sportsmen, cricket
Relationship status - Married to Drinka Upp
Personalty - Jolly, fun, quite dim but very rich since his fathers death
Eva Lution -
Looks - Pretty young woman
Age - 20
Aspiration - To become like her sister Bella however is her Uncle Phil's maid
Relationship status - Single mu no love interest
Personality - Very fun, she has one child aged 2 she was sent to live with her aunt and uncle for her lust for love.
Ginger Brettman -
Looks - Ginger handsome, Charlie Chaplin mustache
Age - 23
Aspiration - musician
Relationship status - Single, but betrothed to Dee Fender, Loves Eva Lution but can't have her
Personality - Very angry and sarcastic man
Adam Phooled -
Looks -
Friday, 30 September 2011
Wednesday, 28 September 2011
Title ideas
I have come up with a few ideas for the title of my movie.
As i want it to be set in a stately home and the characters to be having a dinner party when the victim is murdered I thought that a few good names were:
- Murder Party
- Death at a Party
- 13, Lonesome road
- Razzle dazzle dead
Out of these titles I have decided to go for 13, lonesome road as this is where all the events are going to be taking place also it has connections with death. The number 13 is symbolic of death and also is considered a very unlucky number.
Lonesome has a connection because it is lonely to die, you don't know what will happen afterwards and your scared of death in itself just as you are scared to be alone and have no one with you.
As i want it to be set in a stately home and the characters to be having a dinner party when the victim is murdered I thought that a few good names were:
- Murder Party
- Death at a Party
- 13, Lonesome road
- Razzle dazzle dead
Out of these titles I have decided to go for 13, lonesome road as this is where all the events are going to be taking place also it has connections with death. The number 13 is symbolic of death and also is considered a very unlucky number.
Lonesome has a connection because it is lonely to die, you don't know what will happen afterwards and your scared of death in itself just as you are scared to be alone and have no one with you.
Chicago Soundtrack 2002 - 13.Nowadays / Hot Honey Rag
This is the type of music I want to have in my piece it is the same era and has a good jazz feel to it. I think that as this film's story line is about jail, murder and deceit it fits perfectly with what I am trying to do. The music is very upbeat and keeps some fun and mystery into the short film.
Planning process
For my next parts of planning i need to come up with and create the following things:
- Title for my piece
- Invitations for my party guests as I want the to have their characters and be dressed to act as son as they arrive
- Clue cards
-Round booklets for each guest so the can interact with each other as they are acting.
-Character profiles
-Group evidence sheets
-Costume suggestions
-Party rules
-Alibi's for all characters apart from the murderer
- Title for my piece
- Invitations for my party guests as I want the to have their characters and be dressed to act as son as they arrive
- Clue cards
-Round booklets for each guest so the can interact with each other as they are acting.
-Character profiles
-Group evidence sheets
-Costume suggestions
-Party rules
-Alibi's for all characters apart from the murderer
Thursday, 22 September 2011
task 1 editing
This is a rough cut of my video there are several things that need to be adjusted and changed and improved.
- One thing that needs to be improved on is the video itself at first I wanted to put in static noises at each dip to black.
- Add titles I need to put in the titles at the end of my 50 second movie.
- Lighting, the lighting was a bit off on one of the shots in my final piece as I am doing a black and white film it won't matter as much.
- When I do my final piece I will change the way I film it and be more creative with camera shots, in this piece I wanted the actress to be looking at the camera and making a home movie.
- Another thing I would change is the style of filming although this was comedic I want to go for a serious comedy with aspects of violence.
Overall I was happy with my short movie I thought it kept to the task guidelines which was to re-create a film we already had on our blog. I chose to do mine on child net movie, this is a very serious act of bullying that affects a lot of children but I wanted to make a statement and the message I wanted to get across is that people are bullied for their likes and interests and so I made my recreation on a stereotypical outline of what a geek is someone who makes jokes about something they are passionate about and people who are so into t.v programs/ actors and actresses that they are bullied for this.
As the bullying route is one I am not taking anymore I can take the criticism and comments to my final piece and make sure I don't redo the same mistakes.
Friday, 16 September 2011
A Murder in the 20's - Silent Film
This is how I want my film to be.
- The sped up moves
-1920's style
-A murder for vengeance
-Black and white with the tape effects on the video
-Screen cuts to show what they are saying or keeping the audience in the action
-Over exaggerated deaths
-Quick, melodic and excitable
murder on the orient express
This was directing by Lumet and this also shows the sort of murder style I want to follow. I like the idea of the generic mystery films e.g. the characters.
I like the way all the characters are over the top and that there is always a steamy love scene even though there has been a serious crime.
This helps with my research because I can see how Lumet has directed some shots and how the characters personality traits show themselves, the task for me will be to get this across with just background music and over exaggerated moves.
Sidney Lumet

For my murder mystery film I am going to study how Sidney Lumet puts together his movies. He began his career as an off broadway director then became a highly efficient television director. He started by directing drama's then moved on to crime drama. Serpico and Prince of the city were some of his most famous crime drama's. He was responsible for leading the first wave of directors who made a succesful transition from television to movies.
Lumet had a realistic and energetic style. He captured New York's vibe in his film like no other because he saw it and lived it and breathed it. He went out and had to re-create this vibe very much like a documentary, he insisted on using the most natural light and making offices look ugly and bureacratic as he knew they were just lairs to the people that worked within the walls.
Lumet made his films realistic by trying to recreate the chosen location as it is by keeping everything as it would be and defining the meaning by what society was.
This relates to my research as it gives a specific style to keep in mind while I do my murder mystery and to also create my own style when I am directing mine.
Thursday, 15 September 2011
Silent films
A silent film is a film with no synchronized sound and no dialogue. A silent film is very pantomime and exaggerated. The only text in silent movies is the title cards that comes up during the film.
Crime fiction
Crime fiction is a genre that fictionalizes crimes, their detection, motives and the criminals behind them. Crime fiction has several sub- genre's such as detective fiction, legal thriller, courtroom drama and hard boiled fiction.
Crime fiction was considered to be a serious genre only around 1900.
Crime fiction was considered to be a serious genre only around 1900.
Thursday, 8 September 2011
The Kid - Charlie Chaplin
This is a video that shows the generics of a silent movie.
- There is no talking but is sound effects
- The movements are sped up
- Body language is emphasized
This more of the sort of comedy i want to achieve during my silent movie. I will stick to the generic conventions of a silent film however I am going to push my self to completely revolutionize short film.
Change of plan
During my research I was thinking more about the style of filming I was going to choose. As i went further on in researching different styles of filming i became more drawn to the idea of a silent movie and basing it around a murder mystery. This idea took hold and I started being less confident in my bullying film and more focused on silent movies. I have had a lot of thought about changing my idea and how i will develop my new idea more and focus on how silent films are made and the use of camera and angles and the music played in the background. More research will have to be done over what music to put in the background of a murder mystery film.
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