Thursday 22 September 2011

task 1 editing

This is a rough cut of my video there are several things that need to be adjusted and changed and improved.

- One thing that needs to be improved on is the video itself at first I wanted to put in static noises at each dip to black.

- Add titles I need to put in the titles at the end of my 50 second movie.

- Lighting, the lighting was a bit off on one of the shots in my final piece as I am doing a black and white film it won't matter as much.

- When I do my final piece I will change the way I film it and be more creative with camera shots, in this piece I wanted the actress to be looking at the camera and making a home movie.

- Another thing I would change is the style of filming although this was comedic I want to go for a serious comedy with aspects of violence.

Overall I was happy with my short movie I thought it kept to the task guidelines which was to re-create a film we already had on our blog. I chose to do mine on child net movie, this is a very serious act of bullying that affects a lot of children but I wanted to make a statement and the message I wanted to get across is that people are bullied for their likes and interests and so I made my recreation on a stereotypical outline of what a geek is someone who makes jokes about something they are passionate about and people who are so into t.v programs/ actors and actresses that they are bullied for this.
As the bullying route is one I am not taking anymore I can take the criticism and comments to my final piece and make sure I don't redo the same mistakes.

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