For my murder mystery film I am going to study how Sidney Lumet puts together his movies. He began his career as an off broadway director then became a highly efficient television director. He started by directing drama's then moved on to crime drama. Serpico and Prince of the city were some of his most famous crime drama's. He was responsible for leading the first wave of directors who made a succesful transition from television to movies.
Lumet had a realistic and energetic style. He captured New York's vibe in his film like no other because he saw it and lived it and breathed it. He went out and had to re-create this vibe very much like a documentary, he insisted on using the most natural light and making offices look ugly and bureacratic as he knew they were just lairs to the people that worked within the walls.
Lumet made his films realistic by trying to recreate the chosen location as it is by keeping everything as it would be and defining the meaning by what society was.
This relates to my research as it gives a specific style to keep in mind while I do my murder mystery and to also create my own style when I am directing mine.
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