Tuesday, 22 November 2011


Bella - Your motive for killing:
You were always being shadowed by Drinka she was a better dancer than you and much prettier all the boys wanted her and then she was picked to be on national television as a professional dancer and you couldn't take it anymore, are you the murderer?

Phil R.Upp - Your motive for killing:
You have just found out that your wife is pregant you are overjoyed however you remebered that your wife can't get pregnant as you have tried many times. Has she been cheating on you? You don't know and you are confused are you the murderer?

Adam Phooled - Your motive for killing:
You have cheated on Liza and have slept with Drinka she is now pregant and wants to tell everyone she wants to run away with you and be a family but that is something that could jepordise your whole life. Can you let this happen? Are you the murderer?

Eva Lution - Your motive for killing:
Drinka took your baby when you came to live with your aunt and uncle she treats you like dirt and walks all over you, to her you are an unfit mother and you have no priveledges to see your baby. Can you let your baby grow up not knowing you as it's rightful mother? Are you the murderer?

Ginger Brettman - Your motive for killing:
You have been visiting eva quite a lot and you have a certain fondness for her however Drinka keeps on reminding you of your arranged marrige and threatens to ruin everything you have worked for if you continue with this infactuation. Are you the murderer?

Liza Lote- Your motive for killing:
You have found out about Drinka and you suspect adam as he went missing at his firms party only to have your acusation confirmed by Drinka herself. She is blackmailing your boyfriend and has runied your happy care free life. Can you stand back and watch her take Adam away? Are you the murderer?

Dee Fender - Your motive for killing:
Drinka is constanly flirting with Ginger and keeps on suggesting terrible things you are fighting for his love and life is getting harder and harder Drinka boasts about her money and is always putting you down. Can you carry on with this bullying? Are you the murderer?

I made motives for each of my character except a Robin and Drinka as they all have to hsave a reson for kiling and i found that when I had these the script was easier to write. I thought that as I am doing a murder mystery i wante to be thourough with my research and my planning so that everyone knew what was going on.

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